6 Excellent Anti Inflammatory Herbs For Reducing Inflammation


6 Excellent Anti Inflammatory Herbs For Reducing Inflammation

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is well-known for its use in skin ailments and burns. This anti inflammatory herb also works internally as well. It helps the tissues inside and outside the body to grow back quicker; it also reduces inflammation. Mike Adams writing in 2007 in Natural News said that studies have shown that inflammation is significantly reduced in people who drink aloe vera twice a day. Aloe vera can thus be safely used both internally and externally, making it a very powerful herb with anti inflammatory qualities.


A little less known of the anti inflammatory herbs is goldenseal. This herb is native to North America and has a long history of use as a natural remedy. It is rapidly declining though, because of deforestation, and preservation efforts should be increased. It is a powerful antibiotic and can be used to boost the immune system. It is great in clearing up mucus related to inflammation and infection, and thus works well for sinus and respiratory tract conditions.

Gotu kola

Originally, gotu kola has been used as a powerful hallucinogenic that has given increased meditation abilities to its user. However, it also has lots of important and essential vitamins and minerals present that make it one of the great anti inflammatory herbs. It helps to improve circulation and the function of the lymphatic system. It strengthens the veins and tissue and is thus effective when used for inflammatory conditions. It is a powerful herb that should be used moderately. It can be found in various supplement forms for you to consider.

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