6 Spirulina Weight Loss Benefits You Can Reap From This Supplement


6 Spirulina Weight Loss Benefits You Can Reap From This Supplement

A 2002 study published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders found that chlorophyll may have great potential in treating obesity. The phytanic acid found in chlorophyll acts on the body’s fat cells and causes differentiation. According to the study, this fat differentiation can influence the mobilization of fatty acids into your blood stream and thus use them as potential energy, resulting in weight loss.

There is also evidence suggesting that chlorophyll acts as an appetite suppressant. By consuming spirulina supplements, you might consume less food because you would feel full for longer and your body would then use the extra fat as energy.

Boosts digestion

In what other ways is there a spirulina weight loss connection?

Spirulina weight loss effects are boosted by the fact that this supplement is great at promoting healthy digestion. According to Spirel.org, spirulina “suppresses bad bacteria like e-coli and Candida yeast and stimulates beneficial gut flora like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria.” This thus helps us by helping our body to absorb important nutrients and at the same time clear off toxins quicker. The website says that research in Japan found spirulina supplements increasing the level of lactobacillus in the body by 300%, and that the absorption of vitamins was greatly enhanced.

Controls blood sugar

Obesity is often associated to elevated blood sugar levels and even diabetes. Spirulina helps with weight loss by helping to control these blood sugar levels. In a 2008 study published in the Nutrition Research and Practice researches found that spirulina supplement use will reduce blood fat levels, and thus help control diabetes. This study also saw benefits to inflammation when the supplement was used.

Immune support

Another spirulina weight loss benefit is that this algae gives a great boost to your immune system, which is important while you are trying to lose weight. It guarantees that while you are losing weight, your health doesn’t have to suffer from a loss of nutrients. According to a study reported in World Health News in 2011, spirulina improved the function of the immune system, and they also believe it is great in fighting against anemia.

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