How To Safely Lose Weight After Pregnancy


How To Safely Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Almost every woman who has had a baby understands how difficult losing weight after pregnancy can be.

When my clients express their own trials with this, I often think of one of my favorite movies, Gone with the Wind, where Scarlett O’Hara insists that her corset should be cinched tight enough to make her waist as tiny as it was before she had a baby. Her Mammy tells her in a matter of fact way that she will never be 18 ½ inches again, never, and to just get over it. Wow.

While thankfully none of us is willing to shrink our waists to unimaginable proportions with a corset in modern times, we certainly wish that there is a magic way to return to our pre-baby bodies. It’s true, some women seem to effortlessly shed the weight and manage to look amazing just a few weeks after giving birth, but that is the exception, not the norm.

Losing weight after pregnancy requires you to set realistic goals that minimize potential for post partum depression and focus on nurturing yourself on both physical and emotional levels. Of course, diet and exercise are a big part of the plan, but your attitude towards your post baby body can also have a dramatic effect on how fast and how much weight you lose. The reality is that most women have a little trouble losing the baby weight; however, with a little mental and physical discipline, you can rock a curvy, hot mamma bod sooner than you think.

Allow for Recovery

Know that you should take your time when losing weight after pregnancy to allow your body time to adjust to all the changes it has gone through. Listen to your new body and learn to meet your own needs, rather than force yourself into a strict regimen right off the bat. It can be tempting to want to get back your pre-baby body, but there are some solid reasons for giving yourself a recovery period.

It is recommended that you give yourself 6 weeks before you even think of trying to lose the weight gained during a pregnancy. Allowing your body a chance to adjust to breastfeeding, heal from the labor itself and feel rested after a pregnancy should be your top priority during this time. You deserve it after all, you just had a baby!

Choosing to breastfeed your baby not only helps you bond with your baby, but it can also support healthy weight loss, as it helps you naturally burn calories. In fact, if you try to shed too many pounds too soon, your body will produce less milk, and store more fat as a defensive measure. If you want to support your baby in the healthiest way possible, don’t even think about starting a serious diet for at least two months after childbirth, especially if you are breastfeeding.

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