Arthritis In The Spine – Its Causes, Symptoms And Natural Remedies


Arthritis In The Spine – Its Causes, Symptoms And Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for spine arthritis

There are many great remedies that can alleviate the pain and symptoms of arthritis in spine.

Weight loss

The best changes that you can do involve leading a healthier lifestyle, especially if you have extra weight. Losing this weight will help reduce the strain on the spine and can greatly improve your condition. Even a slight loss of weight will help. Try adding more fruits and vegetables into your diet and try to avoid eating processed foods, which are often packed with extra salt and sugar. Both of these can increase inflammation in the body.


You should also add some exercise into your daily life. This will help you in losing weight and will also help with strengthening the muscles of the spine. Doctor Roy Altman in 2008 said that you should do some cycling and swimming.

Also remember to do enough stretching for the back and hips to make sure that they remain flexible. Yoga could be a very good form of exercise to add into any treatment of arthritis in the spine. If certain movements cause you pain, you should not do them.

You also need to make sure that you have good posture during your exercise and in your daily activities. The American Arthritis Society, for instance, recommends that you avoid spine-twisting movements and avoid over-reaching the arms. You should also try to avoid sitting for prolonged periods.

Take a few minutes to walk in between your workday if it involves a lot of sitting down. Try to avoid placing too much pressure on your back; for example, if you are lifting things, always lift with your full body with flexed knees instead of putting all the weight on your back.

Anti-inflammatory supplements

It is vital to remedy the inflammation that comes with arthritis in the spine. Arthritis Relief Naturally recommends taking cat’s claw, boswellia and menthol to reduce inflammation and swelling naturally. They also suggest that this is a safe way to treat the pain because it doesn’t have the same risk of addiction that some medicines might often have.

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