Dietary Tips For Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief


Dietary Tips For Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief

Avoid Potential Irritants

There are a number of common culprits which tend to make some people feel worse. Avoiding rich foods can help as many people with IBS find that rich, greasy, or spicy meals make their symptoms worse. These include:

* Alcohol
* Caffeinated beverages
* Certain medications
* Chocolate
* Dairy products
* Fizzy soft drinks
* High fatty foods
* Spicy foods
* Sugar free sweeteners such as sorbitol or mannitol, aspartame, saccharine
* Wheat products

Eliminate possible sources of your symptoms and only reintroduce them one at a time, once your system has balanced itself. You may have to reduce or completely eliminate some of these foods to continue to be symptom free.

Regularity Support

One of the most irritating effects of irritable bowel syndrome is not knowing when it is going to strike. It can strike anytime, anywhere, leaving you feeling helpless, and it robs you of feeling like you have control of your life. Instead of being in a reactive mode, doing a few preventative activities can help keep your bowels regular and your life more enjoyable.

* Eat at regular intervals – a few small meals are more easily digested

* Herbal help – chamomile or peppermint tea after a meal can soothe tissue and promote healthy digestion

* Try probiotics – a daily dose of 5-10 million organisms can help balance intestinal flora

* Drink lots of fluids – drink at least eight to ten glasses of fluid per day, such as water, herbal teas, and dilute fruit juices

* Keep a food diary – this will give you a better understanding of any foods, drinks or other activities which trigger your symptoms

* Eat your meals slowly – promotes a sense of wellbeing during meals by not rushing and chewing your food properly

If your symptoms are chronic or worsen over time, you will want to consult a doctor to eliminate other more serious illnesses. Usually IBS clears up on its own once dietary and stress factors have been addressed. Remember that your digestion can be the first place that imbalance shows up, and heeding that call on a daily basis can keep you from responding to the call of nature at a most inconvenient moment.


This article was written for in Nov 2013 by Vicki Wiepking. Vicki is a 2008 graduate of The McKay Method School of Energy Healing in Bozeman, MT, and a certified Flower Essence Practitioner. She is the owner of Rasa Deva Wellness in Bozeman, where she offers a unique combination of energy healing, flower essences and essential oils to her clients. Vicki currently teaches energy healing classes at both the McKay Method and HealthWorks Institute.

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