Natural Health Deals With The Body Holistically


Natural Health Deals With The Body Holistically

If you smoke, you are denying vital oxygen to your entire body. Therefore, ALL organs and parts are affected, not just your nose, mouth and lungs. Causes and effects in the human body cannot be easily de-linked.

Natural holistic healing is very important because nothing works all by itself. It is hard to experience permanent, long-lasting improvements to one’s health unless one changes his or her diet and lifestyle.

For example, if you eat fast food like there’s no tomorrow, drink liters of alcohol and smoke lots of cigarettes, you can’t expect to heal and be well soon after taking some herbs.

Remember that it takes a long time for our bodies to finally break down, and it will thus also take some time for healing to occur.

Here, we can learn a bit from what animals do when they fall ill. They would undertake a number of methods to get well, for example, they would fast, drink water, stretch, lick their wounds, look for some herbs or plants to eat, rest, and / or get some fresh air and sunshine.

Many years ago, humans did that too. However, we have since strangely learned to look for doctors and that “magic drug”.

In addition, one great advantage of recognizing the various inter-relations between different parts of the body and using multiple strategies instead of just one method or substance is that the various methods often have a synergistic effect.

For example, certain herbs are more powerful when used together as compared to the sum of their individual effectiveness. Certain nutrients cannot be carried, assimilated or used by the body unless some other nutrient or enzyme is present.

One example of this is calcium – you can load yourself on it, but your body will not be able to absorb it unless it has sufficient Vitamin D.

And if you clean your colon, your blood will also be cleaner, while the toxic load on your liver and kidneys would be reduced.

Natural Health Principle No. 5

The fifth of the natural health principles is that the human body is viewed as a whole, and any health problem must be dealt with with this in mind. This is coherent with the definition of holistic health.

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