Depression Treatment – A Quick Comparison Of Natural Vs Conventional Therapies


Depression Treatment – A Quick Comparison Of Natural Vs Conventional Therapies

It’s natural for human beings to feel depressed from time to time. And there are many possible factors and causes which could contribute to or bring about a bout of depression.

Thankfully, there are just as many potential remedies and treatments for depression which can be utilized by depressed persons and their loved ones. These include conventional treatments as well as natural remedies and alternative treatments.

Medical Treatment

Some pharmaceutical drugs do bring about quick and effective relief to the conditions of depressed persons. But there are a few problems and issues which are part of the drug equation.

Firstly, medical drugs, more often than not, fail to bring about full recovery from depression. Recurrence or relapse into a depressed state usually comes about, even for those who religiously adhere to their treatment program.

Another drawback, of course, is the slew of side effects and adverse reactions which come with the use of pharmaceutical drugs for depression. This is exacerbated when high doses have to be used, or when combinations of several types of drugs are utilized.

Natural, Holistic or Alternative Therapies

How about natural remedies and treatments for depression? Do they necessarily work better?

It’s probably true that, in terms of hard scientific and empirical evidence with regard to their effectiveness, not many natural depression remedies can boast of absolutely stellar records. But there are many inherent advantages to using nature’s cures.

Firstly, natural remedies are usually safe to use, triggering little or no adverse reactions in the body. This means they can be used for prolonged periods, and many of them can be used concurrently.

In fact, many of nature’s solutions have a synergistic effect, enhancing each other’s effectiveness when they are used in conjunction for a particular health ailment. And it’s usually possible to use natural remedies together with certain pharmaceutical drugs (do consult a natural health practitioner just to be sure).

Further, when we are talking about health remedies which nature has provided to us, they often come packaged with other, unintended, benefits on health. Say, for example, you are using exercise therapy to help battle depression. On top of releasing endorphins which would improve your mood, that exercise is going to improve your body’s blood circulation, boost your immune system, help detoxify your body, strengthen your hearts and lungs, improve your digestion, etc, among dozens of many other health benefits.

Here at, we strongly believe that natural treatments and remedies should form the fundamental basis of any depression therapy. Drugs should be used as sparingly as possible, in certain situations where its use is deemed absolutely necessary.

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