The Nutrition And Stress Connection – How A Good Diet Can Help You Cope


The Nutrition And Stress Connection – How A Good Diet Can Help You Cope

Selenium enhances energy levels and prevents anxiety. It can prevent mood swings. Obtain it from nuts, seafood, meat, wheat germ, mushrooms, broccoli, onions, and whole grains.

Calcium and magnesium reduce stress and anxiety. Obtain calcium from dark green leafy vegetables and dairy products.

Dietary Approaches Relieve Stress Headaches

Headaches are common among people who are experiencing chronic or acute stress. Adopting the above dietary practices will help to prevent and relieve many stress headaches. Here are some additional tips which you may implement too.

If you get migraine headaches due to stress, eliminate common triggers. Common triggers include processed meats, red wine, chocolate, and some cheeses. Other foods may affect you. Try taking a large glass of orange juice or eating fresh strawberries, peppers, or citrus as soon as a headache starts. The extra vitamin C may help to prevent the headache from developing further.

A Well Rounded Diet to Relieve Stress

Some people find that eating small frequent meals throughout the day rather than three large meals helps them to avoid mood swings related to changes in blood sugar levels. Consuming healthy foods is essential. Avoid simple sugars and refined products. Always opt for whole grain. Avoid white sugar and white flour. Avoid highly caffeinated beverages, processed foods, fast food, and alcohol.

Include apricots, asparagus, avocadoes, bananas, garlic and sea vegetables in your diet. They are rich sources of vitamins and minerals which are commonly depleted when stress is present.

In today’s busy world, sitting at a table to eat with loved ones is becoming less common. While the foods that we consume are a vital part of any plan to relieve stress, how we eat and with whom we eat may be even more important than the actual foods which we put in our mouths.

As much as possible, sit at a table when you are eating. Do not watch the television or read a book. Pay attention to the textures, aromas, and flavors of what you are eating. Eating is a sensory experience. Staying in the present moment while eating is an important stress reduction strategy. It’s not just about the food.

A nutrient-poor meal, eaten with supportive friends may be healthier for you than a healthy meal eaten in a stress or strife filled environment. If you can combine a calm environment with healthy food on a regular basis, you will be well on your way to truly eating in a manner which will make you feel less stressed.


This article was written for in Nov 2013 by Patricia Bratianu RN PhD RH-AHG. Patricia has been a Registered Nurse for almost forty years in a wide variety of settings. As a Registered Nurse, she realized that conventional healthcare was not meeting the needs of all patients. She became an herbalist and obtained a PhD in Natural Health. Patricia is a professional member of the American Herbalist’s Guild, passing the stringent peer reviewed process to become a Registered Herbalist.

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