Some Risk Factors And Causes Of Depression


Some Risk Factors And Causes Of Depression

Depression can strike quite literally anyone. In this article, some possible causes and risk factors which could contribute to or lead to depression are discussed.

Throughout history and in various cultures, people have had various ideas on what could be the triggers and causes of depression.

Some theories held today, for example that loss could trigger depression, had been spotted by the 19th century. The next century then saw much research being conducted on mental health issues, with many theories and schools of thought being put forth. To some extent, each school of thought presents one part of the entire jigsaw on what the possible causes of depression could be.

These various theories touch on different aspects – social factors, environmental, genetic, physiological, etc.

Learned Helplessness

Arising from research carried out on animals, it has been theorized that one reason why human beings lapse into depression is learned helplessness.

Basically, under this line of reasoning, it is believed that animals which go through trauma that they are unable to run away from may develop the mistaken notion that they are helpless. Later, when the same animals encounter similar type traumatic or stressful situations, they may simply give up and sink into depression.

Negative Thought Patterns

It had long been noted that depressed persons exhibited patterns of negative thinking. It was also believed that such thought patterns was a result or effect of depression.

According to one particular theory, however, the cause-and-effect relationship is switched, and negative thinking is actually a possible cause of depression. In other words, persons who indulge in negative thinking have a higher propensity to develop depression.

Makes sense, doesn’t it? Indeed, cognitive therapy, which seeks to treat depression by reversing such negative thought trends and replacing them with healthy, positive thinking, has brought about much success.


As with most health conditions, it has been postulated that genetics play a part in the development of depression. Research has shown, for example, that persons whose family members have suffered from depression are more likely to become depressed themselves.

However, it is necessary to recognize that, besides sharing genetic similarities, members of the same family also share living habits, dietary habits, traumatic or grief experiences, mechanisms for coping with stress and life’s struggles, etc. Children, for instance, learn what to eat, how to live, how to deal with life, and attitudes and outlook from their parents.

Studies carried out on twins, however, do suggest that genetics do at least contribute to depression risk, even if they are not the sole cause. Again, another important point must be noted here – not everyone who carries the genes associated with depression actually ends up suffering from the condition; this means that there must be additional triggers, probably environmental ones. In any case, there is still a long, long way to go for human beings to really understand how the human body, and in particular the human brain, actually works.

Bipolar disorder, commonly also referred to as manic depression, is the type of depression which has been found to be most strongly correlated with genetics.

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