Explore These Natural Cures For HPV


Explore These Natural Cures For HPV

Vitamin B

The whole vitamin B complex is important for helping the body fight off HPV. Especially good vitamins in the B complex are:

* Vitamin B12 – a 2002 study published in Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention found that vitamin B12 can cure HPV and thus prevent cervical cancer through the disruption of viral replication. The study found that women with lot of B12 in their blood were less likely to develop the virus. Consume seafood and pork in your diet.

* Vitamin B9 also known as folic acid – folic acid has been proven to be a great natural cure for HPV. Tori Hudson in the book “Women’s Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine: Alternative Therapies and Integrative Medicine for Total Health and Wellness” writes that folic acid works by reducing the amount of chemicals called homocysteines in the body. This chemical can alter cervical cells and thus can cause cancer to occur.

Another study found that folic acid is useful in protecting you from the HPV infection in the first place. Published in the journal of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention in 2009, it found that by increasing folic acid intake, you can help prevent the infection and help to cure it in the body. Eat spinach, broccoli and mushrooms to get vitamin B9.

Turmeric for HPV

Another great natural cure for HPV is turmeric. This wonderful spice has many excellent health benefits and it seems that healing HPV is one more to add to the list. The active component in turmeric is curcumin and it is exactly this compound that has been found to suppress HPV. A 2011 study published in the journal of Molecular Carcinogenesis found that curcumin effectively suppresses the HPV oncoproteins from developing and can prevent cell death occurring in the body.

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