Healthy Liver Diet – Foods To Eat And What To Avoid


Healthy Liver Diet – Foods To Eat And What To Avoid

Vegetable protein is the best source of protein for people with liver ailments as it does not stress the body as much as animal proteins do. As a rule, vegetable proteins are ‘cleaner’ than animal proteins. Hence, they are easier on the liver. Most vegetable proteins contain little or no fat, which is an important benefit as well. Some great sources of plant proteins include whole grains, dried beans, peas, and lentils.

Quinoa is a plant based protein which contains all of the essential amino acids that your body needs, but cannot manufacture. Look for it in the grain department of large grocery stores. It is simple to prepare.

Soy protein is a complete protein too. Soy milk, soybeans, known as edamame, and tofu are the most nutritious sources of soy protein.

Vegetable proteins contain less iron than animal proteins. This is beneficial if you have certain types of hepatitis, such as hepatitis C.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Fats provide the body with the most concentrated form of energy. If you have liver disease, the body’s ability to utilize fats is impaired. The production of bile, needed to digest fats, is impaired. Absorption problems are common. The body does not absorb adequate amounts of the fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E, and K. A vitamin deficiency results.

Fat intake needs to be restricted. The healthiest fats are those which contain omega 3 fatty acids. Other fats should be avoided. Some great sources of omega 3s include these fish -salmon, halibut, sardines, albacore, trout, and herring. Walnuts, flaxseeds, hempseeds, and sesame seeds are good vegetable based sources of omega 3 oils.

Carbohydrates and the Liver

Carbohydrates are a quick energy source for the body. Like the other nutrients, carbohydrates support several functions. Carbohydrates should be consumed as whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables. People with liver disease generally tolerate carbohydrates well as they are the simplest nutrients to utilize. Focus your intake on complex carbohydrates, not products made with denatured white flour or sugar.

The Bottom Line – A Healthy Liver Diet

Eat a wide range of top quality foods that do not stress the liver and provide a wide array of nutrients. If you have liver problems, the suggestions above may be helpful; however, these suggestions are not made to replace a consultation with your health care provider.


This article was written for in Nov 2013 by Patricia Bratianu RN PhD RH-AHG. Patricia has been a Registered Nurse for almost forty years in a wide variety of settings. As a Registered Nurse, she realized that conventional healthcare was not meeting the needs of all patients. She became an herbalist and obtained a PhD in Natural Health. Patricia is a professional member of the American Herbalist’s Guild, passing the stringent peer reviewed process to become a Registered Herbalist.

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