Simple And Excellent Home Remedies For Hair Growth


Simple And Excellent Home Remedies For Hair Growth

Potato and onion remedies for hair growth

It might seem odd, but potato has long been used to help remedy hair growth. This is an external way of using potato as a home remedy for hair growth. You need to combine a little water with the juice extracted from the potatoes; for this recipe, use three potatoes. Add an egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey and mix the paste. Massage it gently to your hair and leave it again for at least 30 minutes, then wash the mixture away. Use this remedy once a week for at least a month and you are surely going to see great results.

Onions are great in stimulating the growth of hair follicles as well. You need to juice some onions; you can for example gently boil it. Add some honey or ginger to the mixture to stimulate circulation and also help with the smell the onions might leave on your hair. Make the mixture warm but not hot, rinse your hair with it and let it sit on your hair for half an hour. Then rinse. Used for a few times a week for at least a month, this home remedy for hair growth will surprise you with great results.

Make dietary changes to remedy hair growth

Diet plays an important part in making sure you have a healthy body and healthy hair. One of the easiest home remedies for hair growth is to make sure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals in your diet. The main nutrients you need for hair growth are iron, zinc and protein.

To get enough iron, add lentils, soy beans, potatoes and pumpkin seeds to your diet. Another great super food to try is spinach. Great sources of zinc include peas and various peanuts. Eat lean meat, like chicken and tuna, for important proteins. Consume a lot of whole foods and avoid processed and fatty foods.

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