Healthy Kidney Diet Guidelines


Healthy Kidney Diet Guidelines

What does a diet for healthy kidneys look like?

Actually it’s not so different from a normal healthy diet. The foods that damage the liver, eyes, pancreas, colon and lungs are the same ones that damage the kidneys.

Here are the guidelines for a healthy kidney diet.

1. Replace processed foods with wholesome, organic foods.

The culprit damaging the kidneys in processed foods is AGEs, or advanced glycation endproducts. All processed foods contain AGEs; for example, hot dogs contain thousands of them. The problem is that AGEs are multiplied exponentially once they get into the body and cause damage and rapid aging to organs. The foods highest in AGEs are pizza, hot dogs, and boxed cereals. Studies have shown that AGEs rapidly destroy the kidneys and in dialysis patients, the AGEs are responsible for a bad prognosis.

2. Replace polyunsaturated fats with saturated fats.

The damage from polyunsaturated fats comes from their ability to generate a lot of free radicals that are aimed at every organ including the kidneys. The greater number of free radicals you have in your body, the faster you will age.

Polyunsaturated fats are the ones found in vegetable oils – corn, soy, safflower, canola, rapeseed, vegetable oil and the seed oils such as pumpkin seed oil, grapeseed oil, hemp seed oil, and others. Use very few of them in your diet. The only polyunsaturated fat you should have in your diet is omega 3 fish oil. Saturated fats are stable fats that will never generate free radicals.

3. When you eat nuts, eat only a handful a day.

This guideline is similar to the one found in #2. Nuts are a source of fat (not particularly high in protein either contrary to common beliefs) and the fats are polyunsaturated – unstable fats. Your body can handle the free radicals from a handful but that’s about it.

4. Drink plenty of water.

Water helps you detoxify waste products and also lubricates your joints. Your kidneys need water to dissolve the waste products.

5. If you’re drinking milk products, consider A2 milk instead of A1 milk.

This guideline is another general principle. People in Europe and Australia are savvy about the difference between A1 and A2 milk, and you should be, too. A1 milk from Holstein cows has a genetic mutation in the casein protein that is linked with many degenerative diseases. A2 milk from sheep, goats, camels, yaks and buffalo only boosts your health.

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