How To Treat Gingivitis Naturally Using Herbs


How To Treat Gingivitis Naturally Using Herbs

Gingivitis is the second most common type of infection in the United States. Commonly referred to as inflamed gums, gingivitis is an early stage of periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease is the most common cause of the loss of teeth among adults. Gingivitis and periodontal disease have been linked with other illnesses including sore throats and heart disease.

If oral hygiene is not meticulously maintained, bacteria and sticky food residues build up on teeth. They gradually harden. Gums begin to shrink and the infection, gingivitis, sets in.

Herbs Traditionally Used to Enhance Oral Hygiene

In many undeveloped countries today and throughout history, many people have used twigs to clean their teeth. I recommend a toothbrush and floss; however, some of the twigs actually offered healing benefits.

For example tea tree, also known as melaleuca, from the southern hemisphere has been used since antiquity for mouth care. It turns out that tea tree kills bacteria in the mouth. It freshens the breath and reduces inflammation of the gums. It reduces plaque buildup and prevents gingivitis from developing. Tea tree oil is used to reverse gingivitis.

Native Americans used evergreen and birch twigs which provided similar benefits as tea tree.

Herbs for Acute Infections of the Mouth

I have used myrrh topically to treat serious gum infections. Myrrh has a perfume like flavor but it is a powerful antiseptic. It is my favorite herb to use when gingivitis is severe. I blend it with echinacea, barberry root, goldenseal, or Oregon grape root into a potent mouth wash. A little powdered myrrh may be applied directly to the inflamed area. It does not taste good but it can be so effective that in some cases I have seen cases where surgery was planned, the surgery was cancelled.

In case of a serious infection, I recommend that the herbs be used topically and consumed internally as well. A tincture of myrrh, goldenseal, and echinacea applied directly to the infected area and consumed internally is the most effective herbal remedy for gingivitis that I know of.

Herbs to Relieve the Pain of Gingivitis

Spilanthes is a plant which increases salivation and numbs the mouth. It is also known as toothache plant. Powdered Spilanthes can be tucked between the cheek and gum for relief of mouth pain.

Cloves have been used for thousands of years to freshen the breath and fight oral infections. Dentists used clove oil for a long time as a numbing agent. Simply sprinkle a little bit of clove powder on the affected area for pain relief. It is an antiseptic as well as an anesthetic.

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