Mindful Meditation For Pain Relief


Mindful Meditation For Pain Relief

Accept It

Rather than trying to rationalize why it is unfair that you should be suffering this pain, it is important to understand that it is happening for a reason. At times, there may be very little that you can do to avoid the pain, so acknowledge it, put your attention on it, and see what it has to teach you.

* Embrace the pain – what we resist persists, but creating mental and emotional space for the pain can soften the intensity

* Change your beliefs – pain is more painful when we believe we should not be experiencing it; find a perspective where the pain has been a blessing in your life and concentrate on that during flare ups

* Distract yourself – learn to control your awareness, and practice shifting your attention to other things rather than the pain; thinking about something pleasant can boost endorphins

Heal It

There are a few meditative techniques that can help to reduce pain levels and promote natural healing. Using the power of the mind to initiate change in the body is a time-honored practice, and one that promising research results. Mindful attention can shift the intensity and frequency of pain, especially when done consistently and intentionally.

* Visualize relief – imagine what it would feel like for the pain to subside, see it happening in your mind’s eye, know it in your heart that it is possible

* Energy cold pack – send relief to achy areas by holding your hand above and sending “cold, icy current” to the pain; intend for reduced swelling, and soothing of tissues

* Breath therapy – inhale deeply and send the energy of your breath to the pain; imagine it releasing, fading, numbing

Incorporating these concepts and techniques into your meditation practice can significantly reduce symptoms, and help you deal with your pain more productively. When your pain ceases to be an inconvenience and becomes a tool for awareness, you are on the road to pain relief.

Consistent, mindful meditation has a wide array of benefits, and teaches us to be present with whatever is happening now. While you certainly don’t have to accept your pain, or just deal with it, you can absolutely choose to be informed by it and learn ways to transcend it.


This article was written for Insights-on-Health.com in Dec 2013 by Vicki Wiepking. Vicki is a 2008 graduate of The McKay Method School of Energy Healing in Bozeman, MT, and a certified Flower Essence Practitioner. She is the owner of Rasa Deva Wellness in Bozeman, where she offers a unique combination of energy healing, flower essences and essential oils to her clients. Vicki currently teaches energy healing classes at both the McKay Method and HealthWorks Institute.

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