4 Important Ways To Reverse Baldness


4 Important Ways To Reverse Baldness

Hair loss and baldness affects people all over the world. There can be various reasons for baldness and hair loss, but it’s mainly down to genetics, medical conditions, and unhealthy lifestyles.

In fact, it is very common that unhealthy lifestyles, including too much stress, unbalanced high-fat and high-salt diets, and excess use of unnatural chemicals, lead to baldness and hair loss. Thus, it makes sense that, to reverse baldness, we should work on reversing these factors, too.

Having healthy and strong hair not only signals vitality of the whole body, but it also helps us to feel better about ourselves and improves our self-confidence. There are simple ways to reverse baldness; these include eating healthy and balanced diets, reducing stress, and decreasing the amount of chemicals we introduce to our hair.

Reduce stress to beat hair loss

Stress can affect our body in multiple ways and one of them is it might increase the level of hair loss we suffer. According to author Lance Ong, stress will stop correct blood flow to our scalp and this will cause the hair follicles to die. He believes the way stress makes the body contract and tense up will slow down your blood flow throughout the body. Sufficient blood flow will help hair follicles to receive sufficient nutrients and thus proper circulation is important. It is important that we relax and stay happy.

A great way to reduce stress is to introduce exercise to your weekly routine. Go running or swimming to increase circulation and fight off the bad stress hormones. You could also try yoga, meditation or EFT to reduce stress.

Remove bad chemicals from your hair care to reverse baldness

Contemporary hair care products today are filled with unnatural and unhealthy chemicals. There is also tendency, by both men and women, to use too much products, believing they will improve our hair quality. Pascale Barrow, writing on Fleet Street publication in 2010, says that the majority of shampoos have synthetic chemicals that have been shown to increase hair loss. Thus, you should try to find natural alternatives; and there are plenty available in organic health shops, and you can even find some online.

When you wash your hair, it is also important to rinse with cold rather than warm water; this will increase blood flow and protect the hair follicles.

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