An In-Depth Discussion On Health, Being Healthy And People’s Mindsets


An In-Depth Discussion On Health, Being Healthy And People’s Mindsets

Point no. 15 — reality: the choice is yours

When it comes to health issues, it’s your choice, really. Life, after all, is about choices, and we make thousands of them every day.

Do you WANT to be healthy? Almost certainly it’s a yes. But are you willing to work for it, to make changes? Maybe, maybe not.

Many people only change after being sick, some after being seriously ill, even being on the brink of death. Do you want to be like that too, or perhaps you could be one of the smarter ones, who make changes BEFORE anything strikes them.

YOU have a choice. Having hopefully given you some new perspectives to health, this is pretty much the main point of this entire health discussion.

You can be part of the mainstream who excessively abuses their bodies through processed and harmful foods, dehydrating and sugar-loaded beverages, cigarettes, cleaning agents formulated with a whole list of chemical toxins, etc, or you can be part of the group who decides to embark on a whole new positive life journey.

Think about it. There are thousands, millions of people who flock to the doctor daily. They have all sorts of chronic degenerative conditions. They get drugs. They are repeat customers. They feed the profits of the drug cartels. You can choose to be one who is part of that group, who shuffles in and out of the doctor’s office and pops a dozen chemical pills a day to keep your pain away and you alive.

But remember that these people usually don’t get well. Those who DO get well are those who find out that modern day life is nutritionally depleted and bombards our bodies with all sorts of toxins, and who decide to change these aspects of their lives.
You can continue to live in fear, because our modern lifestyles are really just a walking time bomb waiting for diseases to hit and explode. Or you can decide to regain some degree of control over your health.

Change is a radical word. Most of us can’t be bothered. I can understand that. After all, Macdonald’s, ice cream, Coke, Pepsi, potato chips — these are all too delicious to give up. Lying on the couch for 8 hours straight is way more comfortable then moving and sweating in the sun. Exercise is hard work, as is self-restraint, while healthy foods don’t taste great.

But remember that drugs and surgery heal nothing, and only by making lifestyle changes can we experience true and deep health and healing.

Remember also that, while we are free to decide, we will have to live with the consequences of our choices.

The choice is yours, and also mine. Once again, I emphasize that this is the main point of this health discussion. The choice is yours.

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