An In-Depth Discussion On Health, Being Healthy And People’s Mindsets


An In-Depth Discussion On Health, Being Healthy And People’s Mindsets

Point no. 6 — the state of health and medicine today is that the first world is filled with chronically sick people

The abovementioned mindsets are not funny. In fact, they are very dangerous. Because these kinds of mindsets, and to some extent ignorance, are playing a big part in the spiraling rates of chronic degenerative conditions, soaring medical and insurance bills, and higher dependency on drugs and surgery. Sadly, from my health discussions with people, I find that such mindsets are rather common.

The reality is that modern medicine doesn’t cure a person of such diseases. One either dies, or is kept alive and put through continuous surgeries and drug consumption to manage the disease symptoms. Oh yes, and in the process, one’s pockets get severely burnt too. If I’m not wrong, medical bills are a major cause of bankruptcy.

I have to let you know, if you didn’t already, that conventional medicine today has no answers at all when it comes to chronic degenerative conditions like cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, etc. In fact, doctors often don’t even KNOW what causes many diseases. Statistics also show that medical doctors in the United States, on average, live shorter lives than the regular American.

How much would you trust your car (and your body is a very invaluable vehicle of yours) with a car mechanic who always doesn’t know what is wrong with your car, and whose own car keeps breaking down?

Scary, isn’t it?

Point no. 7 — in most people’s minds: “Why the need to make changes? I’m healthy now, ain’t I?”

In my health discussions with people, I get the sense that there is a widespread sense of complacency when it comes to health.

Well, you are currently healthy, or at least seemingly so, because your body is doing a good job of dealing with all these environmental toxins. But let me tell you, the balance of power is slowly and surely being shifted, a little bit every day.

Chronic, degenerative conditions usually take years, even decades, to develop. For example, if you find a tumor on your body, do you think it grew overnight? No way. It took a long time to get to a size where it becomes visible. And, even before that, the conditions in your body which allow the tumor to grow (e.g. toxic buildup, weakened immune system) had probably been around for years too.

Do realize that, based on our modern day diets and lifestyle, the statistics for all the major diseases are very grim — in the case of cancer, we are fast accelerating towards 1 in every 2 persons developing it in his or her lifetime. And that’s only one disease, among a whole host of killer ones.

Now, once a disease takes root — cancer being perhaps the most common and most feared one — the decline usually starts gaining momentum. While our bodies have adapted slowly to the contamination they face, like fish in a dirty pond, they have their limits, and sooner or later they DO crumble. Do you REALLY want to wait till that day to start panicking and changing?

Have you ever been involved in a tug of war, or tried to push a very heavy object, such as a bed or cupboard? At first, it is very difficult to gain the upper hand, or to get the cupboard moving, because of this thing called inertia. But once you start winning, once the cupboard starts moving, things start to accelerate and sail along.

Again, I have to say, I find it very difficult to push this point home in my health discussions with people. The fact is, the earlier you change, the better your odds of living a long, healthy life. You could be one of the smarter ones.

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