An In-Depth Discussion On Health, Being Healthy And People’s Mindsets


An In-Depth Discussion On Health, Being Healthy And People’s Mindsets

Point no. 8 — next question: “Why the need to make SO MANY changes then?”

By making as many changes as we can, we reduce the likelihood of some negative lifestyle habits negating the good effects of the positive ones. By doing so, we also allow the positive effects to all rub off one another, creating powerful results in the end.

By strengthening the foundations of our house as much as we possibly can, we can then be more sure that it can stand firm against the wind, the waves and even during a storm.

It’s a holistic approach.

Point no. 9 — analogy of Health being akin to currency wealth

As you can probably tell by now, I love using analogies in helping me to make my point, and the following is another one which I liken health to.

Imagine that your wealth was contained in a stack of currency bills, perhaps a stack of a thousand $1,000 bills, totaling a million dollars. If someone took half of it or even the whole stack of bills away, you would know it pretty quickly I’m sure.

But your health is more like a huge pile of coins, perhaps ten million 10-cent coins (also totaling a million dollars). Every few hours, someone is taking a few coins away, but you hardly notice. By the time you do, you would have lost a big chunk of your ‘wealth’ (in this case your health).

And we are contributing to the process of coins draining away with our poor everyday living habits, our nutritionally lacking diets, and the large amounts of toxins and poisons we are putting into our bodies every single day.

This is akin to the boiling frog phenomenon. Drop a frog into boiling water, and he knows it right away and jumps out of the pot. Put the frog into a pot of cool water and slowly heat the water up to boiling point, and the frog would not realize it, and he gets cooked alive.

Every day, our bad lifestyle habits are heating up the water in our metaphorical pot, little by little. We need to start doing things to help cool the water down.

Health, or ill-health, is the result of many, many little things we do, as well as those that we don’t do; foods that we eat, as well as those that we don’t eat; what we think and feel, etc. Every little bit counts!

Again, it’s a holistic approach.

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