An In-Depth Discussion On Health, Being Healthy And People’s Mindsets


An In-Depth Discussion On Health, Being Healthy And People’s Mindsets

Point no. 4 — we seem to worry about doing too much of the things which are good for health

But when it comes to taking or doing things which are a lot more natural, a lot less harmful to your body, and will in fact help clean up and strengthen it, helping it heal itself, you perhaps take a double-take. You cringe, you ponder, you hesitate, you question. You say it’s an overdose, it’s not natural, and it could be harmful with toxic side effects.

You perhaps feel you have to consult your doctor, because, you know, 2 glasses of herbal tea or 5 glasses of carrot juice a day might be excessive, or even an overdose — you know, your liver might collapse from those herbs and vegetables. You know, sunlight causes skin cancer, you say, so it’s not wise to get a little sunshine — you better stay indoors or use sunscreen. Exercise? Maybe once a month, or even once a year. It could hurt, or even be dangerous.

When it comes to the good stuff, the healthy things, “everything in moderation”, you might say.

I suspect many people are like that.

Are you?

But does this make any sense at all?

From my health discussions with people, I find that this attitude is very common. And I find it to be another ONE of the MANY huge ironies when it comes to health.

Basically, people are more concerned about overdoing the good and healthy stuff, than they are of overdoing the bad and health-destroying stuff.

Point no. 5 — we think modern medicine is so advanced… but is it?

Another point which I get out of my health discussions with people is that they think conventional medicine is very advanced and would be able to take care of any illnesses which might surface.

Now, one of the core principles of natural health and healing is to harness the body’s self-healing powers. Another is to not do harm to the body in any way.

Conventional medicine today fails badly to adhere to these basic principles. Many drugs and vaccines which are dished out freely today are in fact very harmful to the body, mostly in the long run, but some also immediately so. The most marked example is chemotherapy — it is a wonder that it can be considered and termed a “treatment” at all; to me, it is just brutal savagery, nothing less.

In addition, many surgeries performed are done so unnecessarily, and many lives are maimed or ended at the operating table. Many diagnostic procedures, such as X-rays and mammograms, are also themselves disease-causing.

Natural health and healing ideas and methods have existed for thousands of years. Yet, somehow, the modern world seems to have evolved into a paradigm whereby health and healing are associated with hospitals, clinics, X-rays, medical doctors and drugs. Most people think that, if you are sick, you need to ‘see a doctor or specialist and take medication’. It is unwise to try and treat yourself, so to speak.

Unfortunately, many people today also think that, because medical science is supposedly so advanced, they can eat whatever they want, live however they like, and be fine just by visiting the doctor and popping some pills each time they fall ill. This is a huge myth.

Seriously, do you honestly believe that you can eat all kinds of nonsense, breathe in polluted air, drink contaminated water, not exercise, not rest well, stress yourself out, have negative attitudes and emotions, and think that there is a man-made chemical or series of such chemicals which can cure you?

Surely we are smarter than that.

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