An In-Depth Discussion On Health, Being Healthy And People’s Mindsets


An In-Depth Discussion On Health, Being Healthy And People’s Mindsets

Changing minds

We will not necessarily try TOO hard to convince anyone of the powers and benefits of natural healthy living. You see, for people who do NOT believe in the POWER of natural health and healing, virtually no amount of anecdotal or even scientific evidence can convince them. On the other hand, for people like me who truly believe, no amount of discrediting carried out by groups with vested interests can shake my confidence, nor change my choices.

We are works of nature, a part of nature, and nature is FULL of miracles. The only way to achieve true health and healing is THROUGH nature and the natural means she has provided for us.

While the following discussion on health is very lengthy, it contains some of what I feel are very important points.

After all, I believe you have come to this website because you are seeking answers, either for yourself or a loved one, on how to combat disease or to attain good health naturally.

From the numerous health discussions I have had with people, I get a sense of what the prevailing attitudes and mindsets today are.

From my experience, no amount of preaching can easily drum into most people the importance of good health, a good diet and positive living habits. They usually continue to indulge in their daily dose of harmful foods and habits and, for the majority, it is usually only when they are hit with grave illness, often a serious one such as cancer, that they begin to look for solutions.

And people, me included, are experts at ignoring our bodies’ many cries for help. One can suffer from years of chronic pain, constipation, headaches, weak immunity, etc, and just ignore them, and then feel so surprised when one finds out one has developed a serious chronic disease. Well, how about those years of unheeded warnings?

Point no. 1 — taking good health for granted

I find health to be such a paradox. Such is the psychology of good health, when we have it, we take it for granted — big time. We only start to take notice and some action after we lose it, or are in the process of losing it. During this time, we make all sorts of promises and resolutions. But once we get it back, we often return to our old ways. Sounds familiar?

Point no. 2 — reliance on medical drugs and unwillingness to make big changes

When I talk about one’s health, I cannot help but stress the importance of taking personal responsibility. But the world today seems to think and operate very differently.

Many people just want medicines and drugs to solve their health problems, without changing their lifestyle at all. Now, on this website, many changes are advocated to improve one’s health. These include dietary, lifestyle and attitude changes.

Many people would be unconvinced. They feel that it’s way too extreme to have to make so many changes. When I talk about lifestyle and dietary changes during health discussions with them, people would often say they think this is too extreme, and that they believe in moderation.

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