An In-Depth Discussion On Health, Being Healthy And People’s Mindsets


An In-Depth Discussion On Health, Being Healthy And People’s Mindsets

Point no. 12 — if our bodies are able to STOP disease, they can also HEAL from disease

And our bodies have the innate ability to heal itself from ANYTHING, if the right conditions are put in place, and there is still enough time (e.g. one is not hours from death). This fact has been proven by thousands of people worldwide who were declared terminally ill but went on to live long and healthy lives.

This is one of the more important points that I would like to make in this health discussion. Your body CAN heal!

Point no. 13 — Natural Health and Healing works

An attitude I get from some people during our health discussions with regard to healing modalities outside of conventional medicine, is that these methods are quackery and voodoo from days of yore. As though the value of water, herbs, foods, sunshine and traditional healing arts suddenly disappeared.

Well, some might say natural health and healing is unscientific, or unproven, or that it only contains anecdotal information. As far as I’m concerned, however, there is only information — that of sick people getting well after changing their diets and lifestyles.

In my mind, alternative medicine and natural healing approaches are inexpensive. They are mostly (there are always bogus ones) safe and effective, as proven by hundreds, in some cases thousands, of years of wide use by various populations throughout the world. There is more wisdom about health and healing in these approaches than there is in our so-called “high-tech” and modern system of conventional medicine today.

There is a wealth of information out there. I have come across literally hundreds of different books, authors, webmasters, herbalists, naturopathic doctors, even medical doctors etc who have helped others or themselves heal of supposedly incurable diseases. I believe a lot of them, because many of them have no vested interests.

For example, what does someone have to gain by telling you that some sunshine is good for you? Can he make a cent off you? On the flip side, companies which sell sunscreen lotions have A LOT to gain by telling you that sunshine is totally NOT good for you.

In embracing and practicing natural health and healing, we don’t need to know HOW everything works. We just need to know what CREATES HEALTH, and follow them. This is really the good news on health.

For example, do we KNOW exactly how sunlight, water, the seed, the soil, the nutrients in the soil, etc, interact and develop to one day grow into a big tree? No, we don’t. Not even the smartest or most educated scientist or doctor does.

But you see, we don’t necessarily need to know how the seed turns into a tree. We just know that God (if you don’t believe in God, how about saying “Nature” instead?) designed it so. We know that when you plant a seed, and provide all the right ingredients, more often that not, a tree will appear. Not 100% always – after all, what is certain in life? – but often enough. And the tree will one day bear fruit, and produce thousands of seeds.

We also know that planting a leaf, an aspirin, or a potato chip will NOT grow a tree. In planting a tree, we just sow the seeds and watch it flourish.

The first step towards creating powerful health, reversing disease, is that YOU must BELIEVE! And then, take action to plant that seed. Soon after, the tree of health will appear, and you will be able to reap what you sowed.

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