Easy Meditation Poses For Everyone


Easy Meditation Poses For Everyone

Seated on a Cushion

If you choose to sit on the floor, you will want to have two cushions – one large square, thick, yet firm cushion to use as a base underneath you, and another smaller round cushion to sit upon. This type of meditation pose is for those who are more flexible and have an easy time sitting up straight for an extended period of time.

1. sit comfortably upon the large cushion with your legs crossed in front of you and the smaller cushion tucked under your buttocks

2. depending on your flexibility, you can sit cross-legged in easy pose, or choose to let one crossed-legged foot lie flat on the floor in front of the other; another option is to rest both your feet crossed over to the opposite thigh in lotus position, but this is difficult for most people to achieve

3. be sure your back is straight with your head resting comfortably on top, as if suspended gently on a string; tilt your pelvis forward slightly

4. lay your hands palms facing up on your thighs or fold them together gently in your lap

5. tuck your chin under slightly and soften your gaze using a focal point to ground your thoughts

6. breathe deeply and evenly, sitting for up to 20 minutes

Reclined on the Floor

Although it is possible to meditate while lying down, it is not the most ideal pose for beginners, especially if you are tired or lack proper concentration. The mind can wander easily in this position and is inclined to actually fall asleep. It certainly is possible to fall asleep in any meditation position, so be sure to stay alert if you chose a reclined pose.

1. place a blanket or yoga mat on the floor beneath you

2. prop a bolster or pillow under your knees if you like, and place a pillow under your head for comfort

3. lie with your back flat to the floor and feet flat if you are using a bolster under your knees, or you may rest the soles of your feet together and let the knees open to either side with cushions under each for support

4. let your arms rest straight, slightly out to the side with palms up

5. breathe deeply and evenly, lying for up to 20 minutes

Keep in mind that proper meditation involves an alert, present mind. To stay focused, rather than letting your thoughts drift, your eyes should be half-open and gazing at a simple object such as a candle, flower or crystal. You may close your eyes only if you can keep your mind present and not drifting off

It’s important to note that you do not have to sit completely still for the entire meditation time; it is okay to move as you need to for comfort, but the point of meditation is to still your mind and body. Once you settle into a comfortable meditation pose and create a consistent practice, you may realize how peaceful it can be and not want to ever get up. After all, how many activities in your life require nothing more than for you to sit comfortably and just breathe?


This article was written for Insights-on-Health.com in Dec 2013 by Vicki Wiepking. Vicki is a 2008 graduate of The McKay Method School of Energy Healing in Bozeman, MT, and a certified Flower Essence Practitioner. She is the owner of Rasa Deva Wellness in Bozeman, where she offers a unique combination of energy healing, flower essences and essential oils to her clients. Vicki currently teaches energy healing classes at both the McKay Method and HealthWorks Institute.

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