Simple Formula To Make Delicious Vegetable Juice Recipes


Simple Formula To Make Delicious Vegetable Juice Recipes

5. After you juice the primary flavor, begin juicing the other two vegetables. After adding a few ounces of these new flavors to the base juice, start taste testing. Ask yourself what else you can add to make it taste exceptionally good. The answer will be one or more of these primary herbs/foods: lemon, lime, ginger, garlic, onion, parsley, cilantro or mint.

6. You won’t need to juice much of these added flavors. A handful of the parsley, cilantro or mint is plenty. One bunch of green onions or two to three pearl onions is enough. One fourth of an inch of ginger root offers up its exquisite aroma and taste. And 1/2 lemon or lime gives enough punch to any recipe.

7. Finally, ask yourself if your vegetable juice would benefit by adding a little salt and pepper. A pinch of each will truly bring out the flavors of the vegetables in the drink. As an alternative, you could also add 1/4 teaspoon of dried herbs such as basil, oregano or savory – or run a few leaves through the juicer as well to extract out the essence of the herbs. In the latter case, a few drops have enough potency.

Store your vegetable juices in the refrigerator for one day, but if you aren’t going to drink all the juice in 24 hours, freeze some of it in plastic BPA-free pint-sized bottles. When frozen, they’ll only take a few hours to thaw. They’re also a pick-me-up drink when you’re at work facing deadlines or a nasty boss.

Here are a few recipes for you to get started.

Pumpkin Papaya Spinach Chard Juice

* 1 pound fresh pumpkin rind (weigh it)
* 1 papaya with seeds scooped out
* 6 ribs celery
* 5 big handfuls spinach
* 1 bunch Swiss chard
* 1/2 bunch parsley
* 1 lemon


1. To juice the spinach, chard and parsley, use a rib of celery to make it go through the juicer easily.

2. Juice the pumpkin slowly, as it takes quite a bit of juicer power to get the pumpkin through the machine.

3. Juice the papaya and lemon together.

4. If you need something else to help the ingredients go through your juicer, use extra ribs of celery.

5. Mix and enjoy.

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