3 Simple And Effective Free Breathing Exercises


3 Simple And Effective Free Breathing Exercises

Sometimes, the most effective treatments are the simplest.

In fact, it’s common to dismiss a healing technique because it seems too simple, so when your yogi or healer tells you to practice breathing exercises to promote healing, it’s easy to doubt it. After all, you’ve been breathing your whole life, so it would have worked by now, right?

The problem lies in the way that most modern people breathe. Often, it is shallow, quick, and full of stressful thoughts. This just produces more stress, and before you know it, your shoulders are up around your ears, and you feel like the weight of the world rests upon them. Well, I’m here to tell you that this is largely unnecessary.

In order to change the way you breathe, you have to practice. Fortunately, these breathing exercises can be done any time of day, so there’s no excuse for not finding an opportunity in your routine for at least one. They can also be done in a variety of positions, great for standing in line, or sitting in traffic, in addition to lying in bed or swinging in a hammock.

Breathing exercises can have powerful effects on the body, mind and spirit, so choose one that fits the time of day and activity level you desire. Practicing standing, invigorating breathing exercises in the morning or while on a break at work can help you be centered and positive, while breathing lying down or in the evening can help you relax and de-stress. There’s no point in doing an energizing exercise right before going to bed, or relaxing ones before you need to run a marathon. Unless you plan to sleep before the finish line, of course.

Even Inhale and Exhale

Whenever you are feeling stressed or flustered, even steady breathing can provide a quick way to calm down and think clearly. This breathing exercise can be done anywhere, anytime, and it’s super easy to do.

1. Inhale slowly through the nose for a count of four. Notice any areas of restriction in your chest and abdomen.

2. Exhale slowly either through the nose or mouth, whichever is more comfortable, for a count of four. Be sure to push out as much stale air as possible.

3. Repeat the exercise by deeply inhaling through the nose for a count of four, again noticing any stress or tension.

4. Exhale again for a count of four, imagining the tension slipping away with the breath.

5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 again for 3 to 5 minutes.

If you can do that while closing your eyes, even better, but this exercise will be effective no matter how you do it. Practice it as many times per day as possible, and reap the wonderful side-effects of fewer struggles and more ease.

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