5 Remedies To Help Dissolve Kidney Stones Naturally


5 Remedies To Help Dissolve Kidney Stones Naturally

Kidney stones can often go unnoticed for a long time but once they announce their existence and are passing out, you will experience sharp pain.

Kidney stones form in the body when unprocessed minerals like uric acid, phosphorous, oxalic acid and calcium crystallize. This inability of the kidneys to flush out all this material can be down to it being weakened by a health condition, excessive consumption of vitamin D, an unhealthy diet consisting of too much salts and processed foods, or dehydration.

There are great ways to dissolve kidney stones naturally, but it is advisable for you to seek out your healthcare professional if you develop high fever during the passing of the stones.

Drink herbal teas to get rid of kidney stones

A great way to dissolve kidney stones naturally is by drinking different types of herbal teas. Drinking is important during the passing of kidney stones anyway, and you should make sure to also increase your water intake during this time.

The main thing to keep in mind is to drink herbal teas with diuretic qualities. These diuretic properties can be found for instance in nettle and dandelion herbs. You can either drink each herb on its own or make a combination of these herbs.

Diuretic teas help to stimulate urinary output and flush the system of waste materials. They also help to create an alkaline environment in the kidneys by helping the urine to maintain a neutral or slightly alkaline pH. Other great herbs with diuretic qualities are basil and parsley. Consume these herbal teas at least twice a day or more to get the full benefits.

Drink citric acid to flush out kidney stones

Another remedy to dissolve kidney stones is to drink some citric acid throughout the day. You can either drink freshly squeezed lemon juice or add some lemon extract or lemon slices into your water. An article in Health News published in 2012 recommends lemon juice because it is high in citrate chemicals, which have been found to break down and dissolve certain kidney stones.

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