Best Practices For Menstrual Pain Relief


Best Practices For Menstrual Pain Relief

In addition to vitamin supplements, it’s important to include more vegetables, fruits and whole grains while avoiding processed food, dairy and red meat. Eliminating sugar, alcohol and caffeine can also greatly reduce menstrual pain.

Self Care Routine

When your body gives you a little reality check every month in the form of bloating, cramps and mood swings, it’s trying to tell you to take better care of yourself. So much emphasis is put on women to take care of others, that she often neglects herself. Taking just a few moments each day to give your body the time it needs to rest and rejuvenate can be a powerful remedy against menstrual pain.

* Aromatherapyadd 3 drops each of fennel, bergamot and clary sage to a small amount of massage cream and apply liberally to abdomen

* Heat Therapy – place a hot water bottle or compress over your abdomen and rest quietly for 20 to 30 minutes

* Castor Oil Packs – soak several layers of cotton in warm castor oil and use with heat therapy

* Abdominal Massage – after using castor oil pack, gently massage pelvic area in a circular motion

Every woman wants to be a “superwoman” but often neglects to recharge her own battery. A depleted system will suffer more from menstrual pain than one which is well charged. Proper self-care is essential to feeling good both physically and emotionally.

While there is no one remedy for menstrual pain that fits every woman, if you take the time to go inward, listen to the needs of your body and respond accordingly, your body will speak up less. In my opinion, the true “superwoman” is one who can meet her own needs and therefore can offer her best self to those she loves.


This article was written for in Nov 2013 by Vicki Wiepking. Vicki is a 2008 graduate of The McKay Method School of Energy Healing in Bozeman, MT, and a certified Flower Essence Practitioner. She is the owner of Rasa Deva Wellness in Bozeman, where she offers a unique combination of energy healing, flower essences and essential oils to her clients. Vicki currently teaches energy healing classes at both the McKay Method and HealthWorks Institute.

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